Something New

We constantly strive to expand our product range to introduce new, exciting and innovative products.

Our extensive and long standing relationships with our supplier’s means we have previously supplied and continue to offer many more products than you see on our website.

We can assist with everything from simple branded post it notes and calculators to clothing and luxury jewellery. If you have any requirements that you don’t see in our range, please contact us to discuss further as we will definitely be able to assist you.

We relish the opportunity to develop new products and ideas. Many of our clients come to us with an initial concept and we work closely with them to develop something completely unique. It may be something as simple as bringing together different products to create a gift set that is a perfect fit for our client’s needs.

We recently had a client that wanted to give a luxury leather credit card holder to their customers during a Formula 1 weekend but wanted something different. Therefore we coupled the credit card holder with a high quality metal F1 replica car USB as shown below.









 Give us a call now to start developing the perfect gift for the perfect occasion.

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We are looking forward to hearing from you to discuss your personal requirements. Please call us on +44 (0) 20 8736 0740

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Please e-mail your enquiry at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.